My symptoms began in early winter of 2021. Initially, I attributed them to allergic reactions, considering my sensitivity to pollen and dust. Living in a city with predominantly mild weather, but enduring cold and wet winters, along with poorly insulated houses, I assumed the cause was the cold winter humidity. It crossed my mind that it could be due to mold, mildew, or dust exacerbated by pollution, as we reside on a busy road.

Antihistamines provided some relief, and running the heater or dehumidifier in the house offered temporary respite. Yet, despite my efforts, my symptoms persisted. Even after consuming numerous allergy tablets daily, the discomfort never fully subsided. When summer arrived and my symptoms eased, I assumed they were related to the humidity.

However, the following winter brought a resurgence of my symptoms, exacerbated by a severe flu. Nights were spent coughing until vomiting, accompanied by nasal drip, sleep disturbances, wheezing, and chest tightness. Frustrated and desperate for answers, I sought help from an allergy clinic, convinced that I had developed asthma. After receiving various treatments to alleviate my symptoms—ranging from stronger allergy tablets to nasal sprays and saline sinus rinses - I found temporary relief and the doctor assured me that my lungs were healthy. Convinced that my affliction was merely a severe allergy that had developed later in life, I continued with this assumption.

Yet, it was only recently, after enduring yet another challenging winter, that the gravity of my situation truly hit me. As I struggled to breathe one winter night, gripped by panic and feeling an unbearable pressure on my chest, fear consumed me. The realisation dawned on me with clarity - I needed to make drastic changes to regain control of my health.

After investing countless hours in research, scouring forums and medical literature, and experimenting with medications and exercises, I finally identified the culprit: respiratory reflux. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I resolved to seize control of my well-being and embark on a journey of recovery through lifestyle and dietary adjustments.

But let's not mince words- it's a daunting task. Acknowledging the necessity for change is a humbling process, particularly when it requires a fundamental reevaluation of our habits and choices. It was time for a holistic transformation. Thus began my journey to recovery - a commitment to understanding my body, making informed choices, and embracing a new way of life.

With Love,


Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed on this blog and website are solely those of the author and do not represent the opinions or views of any academic, hospital, health practice, or other institution.
